Project Spotlight: Ganei Beantown’s Boston Jewish Food Conference

Ganei Beantown is using their Gendler Grapevine Project grant to develop and implement a new workshop track focused on youth and families at their Boston Jewish Food Conference. The annual Boston Jewish Food Conference (BJFC) brings together community members to learn about Jewish agriculture, labor issues, health, food access, kashrut, and local food history. The fun day of [...]

By |2018-05-17T11:20:58-04:00May 17th, 2018|Heard it through the GRAPEVINE|0 Comments

Project Spotlight: Canfei Nesharim

Canfei Nesharim's Gendler Grapevine Project initiative is to create 8 teaching modules for Orthodox high schools focusing on core Jewish environmental values. The goal of these modules is to easily integrate them into the standard 9th grade science curriculum of most Orthodox day schools. Although many schools do not teach the regents curriculum, they focus [...]

By |2018-05-09T08:37:30-04:00May 9th, 2018|Heard it through the GRAPEVINE|0 Comments

Family Gardening Workshop in Washington DC

Edlavitch DC Jewish Community Center is sponsoring an event called "Beans, Basil, and Bees: A Family Gardening Workshop," which will be held Sunday, June 3 from 2-4 pm. Workshop participants will learn about starting their own container garden, dig in the dirt and learn about composting, and meet some urban beekeepers who are helping the city retain its native [...]

By |2018-05-01T14:23:03-04:00May 1st, 2018|Heard it through the GRAPEVINE|0 Comments

Project Spotlight: Oshman Family JCC

Oshman Family JCC's (OFJCC) Gendler Grapevine Project is to create Youth Service Havurah (YSH), a social action program that gives middle and high school students the opportunity to deepen their connection to Judaism through social action and hands-on opportunities. The program empowers teens by asking them to be proactive and identify gaps they see in [...]

By |2018-04-17T22:53:08-04:00April 17th, 2018|Heard it through the GRAPEVINE|0 Comments

Project Spotlight: Temple Sinai DC’s Civil Rights Trek

We recently shared the transcript of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s last interview, which was conducted by Rabbi Gendler 50 years ago last month. While reading the transcript, one can't help but notice how relevant many of the concerns raised 50 years ago still are today. One of our 2016 grantees, Temple Sinai DC, worked to address [...]

By |2018-04-13T08:18:52-04:00April 12th, 2018|Heard it through the GRAPEVINE|0 Comments

How Rabbi Gendler’s matzo ball soup recipe made it to the New York Times

In 2006, I was eating lunch with my mom on a bench outside of Back Alley's on Martha's Vineyard. As what often happens when we visit that store, my mom saw someone she knew. "Emily, I want to introduce you to Joan Nathan." Joan, the journalist and author of numerous Jewish cookbooks, started chatting with us about an article she [...]

By |2018-03-28T09:51:54-04:00March 28th, 2018|Heard it through the GRAPEVINE|1 Comment

Today is the 50th Anniversary of Dr. King’s Last Interview

My apologies. I shared this blog post yesterday; however, because it was so brief, the email summary didn't contain a "read more" option that would take you to the blog post and the link to the actual interview. Thank you for the emails letting me know that the link wasn't available. Hopefully it will work this time. -Emily   March [...]

By |2018-03-25T14:33:28-04:00March 25th, 2018|Heard it through the GRAPEVINE|0 Comments

The 50th Anniversary of Martin Luther King’s Last Interview is March 25

March 25 is the 50th anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King's last interview. This interview was conducted by Rabbi Everett Gendler at the 1968 annual convention of the Rabbinical Assembly. Click on the image below to read a transcript of the interview in its entirety, which includes Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel's introduction. Rabbi Gendler talks with Dr. King [...]

By |2018-03-23T17:30:44-04:00March 23rd, 2018|Heard it through the GRAPEVINE|0 Comments

Project Spotlight: New Roots’ Youth Food Justice Corps

New Roots' 2017-2018 Gendler Grapevine Project's initiative, the Creation of a Youth Food Justice Corps and Testing the Replication of the New Roots Fresh Stop Market model, is working to engage and show Jewish youth the power they have to engage in food justice work in various ways throughout their community and to replicate the Fresh Stop Market [...]

By |2018-02-27T13:09:46-04:00February 27th, 2018|Heard it through the GRAPEVINE|1 Comment

The Tree That Sustains All Life

This year, Tu B'Shvat begins Tuesday, January 30 and ends at sundown on Wednesday, January 31. This festival, which means "the new year of the tree," occurs on the full moon in winter during the month of Shevat. While many people now think of Tu B'Shvat as a sort of Jewish arbor day, that is not [...]

By |2018-01-26T12:06:38-04:00January 26th, 2018|Heard it through the GRAPEVINE|2 Comments
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