It’s hard to believe, but today marks the second secular yahrzeit of Rabbi Everett Gendler (z”l). I assume that many of you, like me, think of or are reminded of him often. Last week, Tamar sent me a photo of her daughter rolling Shabbat candles in Great Barrington. They had what she called “an Everett Shabbat.” This reminded me of one of the times my family celebrated Hanukkah in Great Barrington, and Uncle Everett taught my daughter how to roll beeswax Shabbat candles. It is comforting to know that many of us carry on the traditions Everett taught us. If we all did this, the world would truly be a better a place.

May Everett’s memory be for a blessing.

Rolling beeswax candles, 2024.

Rolling beeswax candles, 2010.